Video | Construction Commences
August 9, 2021
Watch the video | Construction has officially commenced at Ferny Grove Central. Peter Honeycombe, managing director of Honeycombes Property Group was joined by Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey and local MPs, State Member for Ferny Grove Mark Furner, Federal Member for Dickson, the Hon Peter Dutton MP and Federal Member for Ryan, the Hon Julian Simmonds.

Woolworths and Dan Murphy’s sign up to the $140m Ferny Grove Central development.
May 14, 2021
In cornerstone leasing deals, supermarket giant Woolworths have signed a 15-year lease on 3200sq m and liquor chain Dan Murphy’s a 10-year lease on 1700sq m in Honeycombes Property Groups’ Ferny Grove Central development on Samford Road.

Honeycombes will start work by May on the $140m Ferny Grove development
February 26, 2021
Construction will start in a couple of months on a $140m mixed use development adjoining a train station in Brisbane’s outer north west that will offer a range of residential, shopping and entertainment amenities.
MaxCap tips equity into $140m Brisbane suburban village project
February 4, 2021
Melbourne-based real estate financier MaxCap has expanded its equity investment business after partnering with Queensland developer Honeycombes Property Group on a $140 million mixed-use development at Ferny Grove train station, in Brisbane’s north-western suburbs.

Honeycombes to breathe new life into Ferny Grove with a new neighbourhood hub
September 24, 2020
Highly experienced and awarded Queensland developer, Honeycombes Property Group had a vision for Ferny Grove, an integrated neighbourhood hub, peppered with every amenity and convenience for locals – with a variety of dinning options and mix of allied health and entertainment, combined with an exciting new integrated apartment development.

Drill Rig On Ferny Grove Development Site
January 22, 2019​
Honeycombes have engaged a contractor to obtain soil samples from certain areas within the station car park over the next three days.
These works are required by our engineers for the exciting new development at Ferny Grove Station.

Ferny Grove Central is Much More Than A Train Station
August 24, 2019
As first reported in the October 2017 edition of The Hills Echo, the Ferny Grove Railway Station’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is progressing from design to development.
The developer, Honeycombes Property Group (HPG) who was appointed by the Queensland Government to design and deliver the TOD, has now lodged a development application with Brisbane City Council.

Large Scale TOD Proposed for Ferny Grove Station
August 25, 2018
Known as Ferny Grove Central, a large new transit orientated development project has been proposed for a site directly surrounding Ferny Grove Station in Brisbane’s North-West.
Proposed by Queensland-based developer Honeycombes Property Group, the development will include a variety of uses including additional park and ride facilities, retail and residential apartments.

Transformed Brisbane train station to include hundreds of car parks
August 27, 2018
A Brisbane train station is proposed to be redeveloped to include more than 750 additional commuter car parks as well as a retail and residential precinct.
Honeycombes Property Group submitted a development application to Brisbane City Council on Thursday proposing the redevelopment of the Ferny Grove train station commuter car park.

Ferny Grove Transit Orientated Development is Right on Track
October 2, 2017
Construction on Ferny Grove Railway Station’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is one step closer to commencing work in 2018, after receiving sign off from the Queensland Government.
Honeycombes Property Group are excited to have been selected as the preferred developer to undertake the $100 million project.